Waiex #197 was delivered to my home on November 18th, 2013.
Yes, that’s right, I was so excited that I was standing in my yard with my camera ready waiting for the delivery truck to come rolling down my street.
The entire airframe kit was loaded in a truck on a 4×10 foot pallet, with boxes strapped on top. One additional tube was shipped containing the main wing spar caps. The driver and I unloaded the kit into my garage.
Inside the incredibly heavy wooden pallet were over a dozen layers of flat aluminum parts:
Here’s a quick video of the boxes.
I spent the next several hours moving all of these boxes into my basement workshop.
I am so fortunate that Bryan Cotton gave me your address, your photos and discriptions are a big help. I am also begainning to build a Waiex. So far I have the tail feathers complete and am waiting for the fuselage to be delivered, which should be by the end of the month. After watching your blog, I know what to expect. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to help other builders.