Total Build Time: 931 Hours.
I removed the engine after having marked up the firewall and planned for component installation. I installed nutplates where practical in order to ease removal/replacement in the future.
I made a couple spacer plates for the gascolator installation in order to allow clearance for the sump drain past the bottom of the engine mount. I chose to install the gascolator on the pilot’s side of the firewall for 2 reasons. First is because with the Aerovee turbo installation, the Aeroinjector (carburetor) ends up being on the pilot’s side. Second is because the exhaust is on the passenger side, and I wanted to avoid fuel lines running next to hot exhaust pipes.
Initially I had only 1 spacer plate for the gascolator, and later added a second to increase the clearance past the bottom of the engine mount. Total of 2 1/8″ spacers (1/4″)
I flared and did the initial bend on the fuel line that runs to the fuel tank to the gascolator.
Once my electrical wiring is complete, I’ll install the fuel tank and finish bending and connecting the fuel line to the gascolator.
After installing all of the firewall components, I sealed all the open gaps and rivet heads on the firewall with fireproof silicon sealant.
In the above picture, the grounding block looks crooked, but it follows the contour of the fuel tank to allow for maximum access.