I created a time-lapse video of my workshop using pictures I’ve taken during the build, from 2 perspectives. I have 2 tripods setup in fixed positions to give myself a stable platform to duplicate my shots, but there’s still a bit of wiggle, I’ve done my best to smooth it out.
The video basically has 5 parts.. a fast time-lapse of both viewpoints, a slower time-lapse of both viewpoints, plus a little bonus footage of the turtledeck installation at the end.
This video is all the photographs I took from those viewpoints starting around November 19th through December 22nd. (viewpoint #2 started around November 30). The order of events in the time-lapse pretty much matches the order of posts I’ve made in this blog, beginning with the stabilators, the aft fuselage, the turtledeck, the ruddervators/rudder, and the completion of the aft fuselage and empennage.
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