Total Build Time: 1245 Hours
Here is the very short story of why I haven’t made a blog post in over a year and a half: I got married and had a daughter. In other words, life happened! However, I’m finally back at the project and rolling towards completion. I’ll be following up this post with some more task-specific posts, but for now I will give a brief update on what has happened with Waiex #197 over the past 1.5 years.
I only logged about 25 hours of build time between January 2016 (my previous blog post to this one) and March 2017. During that time, I did accomplish several things that I’ll detail elsewhere. For now, simply put, the wings, flaps, ailerons, stabilators, rudder, and ruddervators are now fully installed.
Additionally, I’ve done work on many of the fairings, engine cowling, and wheel pants, as well as painted most of the fiberglass and fairing parts.
Suffice it to say, Roth Waiex #197 is still happening! More project details to follow soon…
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